
  • Flickr Steampunk

    "You've built a mechanical Parrot, Q?"Steampunk dancerSteampunk DJ 2unicorn'ELLEN'Talk steampunk dirty to me.DSC_1571 WGW NOV 2024Steampunk DJinside szimpla kertLaure Eyes says more than Words
  • Steampunk Roulette

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  • Steampunk! News

    • Steampunk! in Russia

      April 28th, 2017

      Popping back here for a moment as we’ve just been told that AST has just bought Russian rights to Steampunk! […]

    • Monstrous Affections giveaway

      August 8th, 2014

      We have 2 copies of Monstrous Affections to give away here!

    • Monstrous Affections!

      July 21st, 2014

      New book, ToC, starred review, events! This September Candlewick will be publishing our second YA anthology, yay! This one, disappointingly, […]

    • Mechanical tiger

      May 20th, 2013

      There’s a ton of fascinating steampunk things out there in the world, but this mechanical tiger really takes the biscuit. It […]

    • AWP in Boston

      March 6th, 2013

      The paperback is flying off the shelves, yay! Hey, Kelly and I will be in Boston this week for the […]

In Australia

November 8th, 2011

They’re recommending Steampunk! for the holidays! Which is a good fit as four of the fourteen contributors are from Oceania: Garth Nix, Kathleen Jennings, Dylan Horrocks, and Elizabeth Knox.

Kelly and I will also be in Australia and New Zealand next spring (autumn). We’ll be in Brisbane for a couple of weeks, then head to Adelaide for the Adelaide Festival Writers Week and then onto Wellington, New Zealand, for the Wellington Readers and Writers Festival.

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November 3rd, 2011

In a couple of hours Kelly, me, and Cassandra Clare will be doing a reading & signing at the Odyssey Bookshop in S. Hadley, Massachusetts. Should be fun as we love that bookstore and have a few titles on our want list.

Looks like Kelly and I will also be at Annie’s Bookstop’s Carnival of Authors in Worcester on Saturday, November 18. Come on by!

I was reading Shelf Awareness during my teabreak today and came across this lovely mention of the book . . .

“A title Delaney is handselling with success is The Inquisitor’s Apprentice by Chris Moriarty. Set in the early 20th century in New York City, a melting pot where magic is prohibited, the story is one of the books featured in a steampunk-themed window display. Another is Steampunk!: An Anthology of Fantastically Rich and Strange Stories edited by Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant and including tales by Libba Bray, Cory Doctorow and Holly Black. Some of the Rediscovered Bookshop’s clientele are already fans of the genre, and Delaney and her staff are actively working to introduce others to the world of steampunk.”

. . . so yay for the Rediscovered Bookshop in Boise, Idaho!

There was also a great review by Karen Meisner on io9 which really captures something of what we hoped we’d get when we were working on the book: “There is a tremendous sense of forward motion and hope for the future. I think readers of all ages can enjoy this book, and I hope it inspires them to go out and create wondrous things.”

Karen picks out a few stories to write about—always interesting as every reviewer has different faves—including Dylan Horrocks‘s “Steam Girl” which will break your heart.

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More interviews

November 3rd, 2011

Here’s are a couple of interviews we did that (oops!) I forgot to post. First with YA Bibliophile:

YA Bibliophile: If you could visit any steampunk story (in the anthology or otherwise) which would you visit and why?

Kelly: Hmm. I’d love to be inside a Hayao MIyazaki movie. We did visit Studio Ghibli once, on a trip to Tokyo, which was almost as good.

And second at Letters Inside Out:

Q. Can you describe Steampunk! in 10 words or less?

Kelly: Adventure! Romance! Ghosts, automatons, ancient Romans, Canadian orphans. Also, comics.

Gavin: Fun! Innovative. Lively. Inspiring. Energetic. Surprising. Wide-ranging. History-bending.

read the rest

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October 26th, 2011

Just received my passport, spinning badge, pin, patch, and a few other things from the Steampunk: History Beyond Imagination exhibit kickstarter—the exhibit opened on Sunday, wish we were getting to see it but maybe it will come over to the east coast. Waltham, City of Steampunk, must be a candidate!

You can:

Visit their YouTube Channel

Follow them on Twitter

Visit their Behind-The-Scenes Blog


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Filed under Press says “look no further”

October 12th, 2011

Great story-by-story review here. The post is part of the B&N Bookseller’s Picks, which is exciting.

“Fourteen stories, and not a dud among them. Educators looking for a textbook to inspire class discussion around the question, “What is steampunk?” should look no further than this oft-iconoclastic collection. For those not so pedagogically inclined, it’s got my vote for the best collection of steampunk I’ve seen so far, not only as steampunk tales, but as damn fine short stories in their own right.”


There’s also an appreciation of Steampunk, edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, so you can get all the punky steam you like!

“The VanderMeers’ first Steampunk anthology (2008), can already be considered a classic, for the quality mix of the stories and non-fiction articles.”

I know that indie bookstores (those closest to our hearts!) ordered a ton of copies of Steampunk! so I hope you will consider them first in your quest for the book.

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October 11th, 2011

And! This just in, Steampunk! has just gone back to print—yay and thank you everyone!

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Publication Day!—and a giveaway

October 11th, 2011

Steampunk! Home Page Header - GearsWe came up with the idea of this book almost three years ago(!), on September 23rd, 2008, in Holly Black’s car on the way back from a wedding in New York City and were hugely excited when Candlewick bought it in May 2009. It’s been a crazy couple of years and it is so great to have this beautiful book to put into people’s hands. Or onto their ebook reader. Or audiobook device. How awesome is all that?

We have to thank the baker’s dozen of authors whose stories have brought in five starred reviews (still knocked out by that!); the cover artist Yuko Shimizu who created the totally fabulous eye-catching cover; Nathan Pyritz the designer; Kelly’s agent (the hardest working person in publishing!) Renee Zuckerbrot; and, of course, our excellent editor, Deborah Wayshak!

So to celebrate we recommend Rosie’s Bakery in Cambridge (since Rosie was a fireball at a pre-launch thing we went to for booksellers) and out here in Western Mass I think we’ll set the dinozeppelins free at sunset and watch them float away down the happy valley. Or something. Maybe we’ll just do a book giveaway? I think Kelly and I will offer some signed copies tomorrow. In the meantime . . .

. . .  Goodreads has 3 copies signed by me and Kelly here, here, and here!

and there’s a great review in today’s Shelf Awareness:

“All the stories are of consistent excellence, with surprises galore.”

and here’s a line lifted from Gwenda Bond’s review in the September issue of Locus:

“It’s a rare anthology where all the works included merit mention, but this is one. Even the staunchest of steampunk skeptics—those who think the subgenre is all fashion and steam without fire—should be convinced to give the subgenre its due by these fourteen “fantastically rich and strange” stories.”

Thanks to everyone who worked on the book. We really hope you enjoy it reading it as much as we enjoyed editing it.


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Free Cassandra Clare story

October 10th, 2011

Just in case anyone missed this, Cassandra Clare’s story from Steampunk! “Some Fortunate Future Day” is also available in the current issue of Lightspeed Magazine. Lightspeed is free, but is released piecemeal throughout the month. If you want to read it right now, you can pick it up or subscribe on Weightless.


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And: we have copies

October 8th, 2011

The book has arrived at various places and we just received our boxful. Woot!

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Five stars(!)

October 7th, 2011

We just heard the absolutely gabberflasting news that Steampunk! has received a fifth starred review—this one from Booklist. You could knock me over with an ostrich feather. (Or something smaller.)

In other news, you can read two of the stories online: Delia Sherman’s “The Ghost of Cwmlech Manor” on as part of their Steampunk Week and Cassandra Clare’s “Some Fortunate Future Day” in Lightspeed Magazine. Lightspeed is free, but is released piecemeal throughout the month. If you want to read it right now, you can pick it up or subscribe on Weightless.

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